日本和韓國的LBS需求持續增長 其他亞太國家落後[圖]
發布時間︰2008/11/30 來源︰《GPS Business News》 翻譯︰Unistrong 閱讀︰13650

  根據Frost & Sullivan的最新分析報告,涵蓋了13個亞太國家的移動LBS市場總體份額在2007年達到了3.836億美元,預計2013年底將達到28億美元,以年均39.3%的比率增長(2007—2013)。


  Frost & Sullivan的高級行業分析師M. Kumaresan指出︰“由于涉及到隱私權侵犯、不正當監控和交互性的問題,高漫游費、沒有GPS功能的手機,已經在很大程度上阻礙了日本和韓國以外的大多數亞太國家大規模的部署LBS系統。”



  “LBS解決方案的普及程度除了LBS技術和應用服務之外,也由生活方式和消費者行為模式所決定,後兩者因素對市場有巨大的影響。”日韓市場中的受訪者都習慣于使用類似的服務,如基于位置的信息服務和以娛樂為中心的應用。” Kumaresan詳細描述,並提到創建社團、兒童定位服務、犯罪預防LBS和其它同類的創新應用在日本和韓國將變得更加流行。






Growing demand for LBS in Japan and South Korea
Other Asia-Pac countries lagging behind

New analysis from Frost & Sullivan ( http://www.wireless.frost.com), finds that the mobile LBS market covering 13 Asia-Pacific countries earned revenues of US$383.6 million in 2007 and expects this to reach US$2.8 billion by end 2013, at a compound annual growth rate of 39.3 percent (2007-2013).

Japan and South Korea are the leading adopters of LBS respectively accounting for 49.5 percent (US$190 million) and 43 percent (US$165 million) of the total Asia-Pacific revenues in 2007.

"Concerns regarding privacy infringement, erroneous detection and interoperability issues, high roaming charges, and the lack of GPS-enabled handsets have to a large extent thwarted large-scale deployment of LBS systems in most Asia-Pacific countries other than Japan and South Korea," explained Frost & Sullivan senior industry analyst M. Kumaresan.

LBS in the rest of Asia-Pacific have largely remained a niche offering until recently explains this report. Even in the more mature mobile markets of Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Taiwan, wireless operators are just starting to experiment with these services. "In these countries, however, the demand for LBS will be driven mainly by enterprise users for applications like fleet tracking and asset management, unlike Japan and South Korea where the appetite for consumer LBS applications is high," said Kumaresan.

Consumer behavior and high speed networks are important drivers

"Apart from the sophistication of LBS technologies and available services, the popularity of LBS solutions is also determined by lifestyle and consumer behavioural patterns, which have a huge impact on market dynamics. Subscribers in these two markets are accustomed to using such services for location-based proximity and entertainment-centric applications," he elaborated, adding that community creation, child-locator services, crime-preventive LBS and other such innovative applications are expected to be more prevalent in Japan and South Korea

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