發布時間︰2008/10/26 來源︰《GPS Business News》 翻譯︰Unistrong市場部 閱讀︰28998


  CCID統計結果顯示, LBS市場份額在2008年上半年已經達到4850萬元人民幣(約合710萬美元),這里的LBS是指“運營商通過SMS、WAP及其它方式,向手機用戶提供的位置、導航或其它類型的增值服務”。CCID估算整體2008年,LBS市場總體份額將在10億元人民幣左右(約合1.46億美元)。CCID同時預測,LBS市場將隨著3G用戶和服務商的發展日益快速增長,在2012年,LBS市場份額有望達到38億人民幣(約合5.6億美元)。










Chinese LBS to grow rapidly, but carriers are challenged

In a report published last week, Chinese market research firm CCID Consulting said the Chinese mobile location-based services(LBS) industry is to enter a rapid growth period despite the fact wireless operators will be challenged by handset manufacturers to retain their share of revenue on this market.
CCID Consulting statistics show that the market size of LBS reached CNY 485 million ($71 million) in the first half of 2008, LBS being defined as “value added services that are provided by operators to provide location, navigation, and other services to mobile phone users through SMS, WAP, and other methods”. CCID estimates that, for the entire year 2008, LBS revenue will be around CNY 1 billion (S146 million). CCID Consulting forecasts that LBS will achieve rapid growth as 3G users and services develop; in 2012, the LBS market revenue is expected to reach CNY 3.8 billion ($560 million).

LBS market value in million Chinese Yuan (1 CNY = 0.14 USD) - source CCID (click to enlarge)

Maps, software, wireless operators
So far the three most important roles in the Chinese LBS industry are map providers, software providers, and operators. Navinfo, Autonavi, Emapgo, Liingtu, and Ritu have taken the leading positions in the map market. In the location service software field, overseas companies have made large inroads. Navigation software from Aisin and Denso from Japan are widely used in location service solutions of Navinfo and Autonavi. Local companies such as Zdor, Yaxon Network, and others have also gained considerable market share despite starting relatively late, said CCID.

also noticed that LBS have been in the focus of operators for a long time. In 2001, China Mobile launched its first location services based on Monternet (Mobile Internet). In 2003, basing on advantages of its CDMA network, China Unicom also started LBS services. In the first half of 2008, China Mobile occupied a market share of more than 60% of all LBS services due to its large number of users. China Unicom took 30% based on CDMA-ba

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